Nurse Staffing Agency Services

Looking for a reliable nurse staffing agency? Nurses On Call offers 24/7 on-call service, local support staff, and highly skilled RNs and LPNs. Contact us today!

Looking for a reliable nurse staffing agency? Look no further than Nurses on Call, located in Pensacola, FL. With over 25 years of experience in the field, Nurses On Call, Inc. specializes in matching their highly skilled RNs and LPNs to the specific needs of medical facilities. Whether it’s a temporary or semi-permanent placement, their nurses, with at least one year of current nursing experience, can seamlessly augment existing staff. The agency offers 24/7 on-call service, a local support staff, and even an on-site Director of Nursing for a comprehensive and full-service experience. Contact Nurses On Call today at 850-474-9803 to explore how they can assist in progressing your nursing career.

Nurse Staffing Agency Services

Learn more about the Nurse Staffing Agency Services here.


nurse staffing agencies play a crucial role in the healthcare industry by providing qualified nurses to medical facilities on a temporary or semi-permanent basis. These agencies serve as a bridge between healthcare facilities in need of staffing assistance and nursing professionals looking for employment opportunities. With their extensive experience and resources, nurse staffing agencies offer a range of services that benefit both healthcare providers and nurses.

Benefits of Nurse Staffing Agencies

Nurse staffing agencies offer numerous benefits to both healthcare facilities and nurses. One of the primary advantages is quick access to qualified nurses. These agencies have a vast network of skilled nursing professionals readily available to fill staffing gaps, ensuring that healthcare facilities can provide uninterrupted care to patients.

Flexibility is another significant advantage of utilizing nurse staffing agencies. These agencies offer flexible staffing solutions, allowing healthcare facilities to scale up or down their nursing staff according to fluctuating patient loads. Whether it is covering shifts during peak periods or providing additional staff for special projects or events, nurse staffing agencies can adapt to the ever-changing needs of healthcare organizations.

From a financial standpoint, nurse staffing agencies provide cost-effective staffing solutions. By hiring nurses through staffing agencies, healthcare facilities can avoid the expenses associated with recruitment, onboarding, and benefits administration. Additionally, agencies handle the payroll and HR responsibilities, saving healthcare organizations time and resources.

Staff burnout is a prevalent issue in the healthcare industry, and nurse staffing agencies offer a solution to this problem. By providing additional nursing staff, these agencies help reduce the workload on existing nurses, preventing burnout and improving overall job satisfaction. This, in turn, leads to better patient care and outcomes.

Furthermore, nurse staffing agencies ensure continuity of care by ensuring that qualified nurses are always available. Instead of relying solely on internal staff, healthcare facilities can count on the agency to provide skilled nurses whenever the need arises. This valuable service ensures that patients receive consistent and high-quality care, even in challenging staffing situations.

Types of Services Provided

Nurse staffing agencies offer a wide range of services to meet the diverse needs of healthcare facilities. The primary services provided by these agencies include temporary staffing, semi-permanent staffing, permanent placement, travel nursing, per diem staffing, and specialized staffing.

Temporary staffing is one of the core services offered by nurse staffing agencies. It involves providing nursing professionals on a short-term basis to cover staff shortages, maternity leaves, and other temporary staffing gaps. Temporary staff can seamlessly integrate into healthcare teams, ensuring uninterrupted care.

Semi-permanent staffing is another service provided by nurse staffing agencies. It involves placing nursing professionals in healthcare facilities for an extended period, typically ranging from a few months to a year. This staffing option is ideal for facilities facing chronic staffing shortages or those in need of support during a transitional period.

Permanent placement services offered by nurse staffing agencies help healthcare facilities find the right nursing professionals to join their permanent staff. The agencies carefully match candidates with the requirements and culture of the healthcare organization, ensuring a successful placement.

Travel nursing is a popular option for nurses seeking adventure and flexibility in their careers. Nurse staffing agencies provide opportunities for experienced nurses to work in different locations across the country or even internationally. Travel nurses can experience diverse healthcare settings while receiving competitive compensation and benefits.

Per diem staffing refers to the provision of nursing professionals on a daily basis according to the specific needs of healthcare facilities. This service is particularly useful for facilities that experience fluctuating patient loads and require additional staff on short notice.

For specialized healthcare facilities, nurse staffing agencies offer specialized staffing services. This involves providing nurses with expertise in specific areas such as ICU, ER, and pediatric care. By matching highly skilled nurses with specialized knowledge and experience, these agencies ensure that healthcare facilities can provide specialized care to their patients effectively.

Qualifications and Experience

Nurse staffing agencies carefully screen and evaluate nursing professionals to ensure that they meet the necessary qualifications and have sufficient experience for the positions they will be placed in. The primary qualifications sought by nurse staffing agencies are Registered Nurses (RNs) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs).

Registered Nurses (RNs) are nursing professionals with extensive training and education, holding a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree or an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN). They are responsible for providing direct patient care, administering medications, and overseeing the overall care plan.

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), on the other hand, work under the supervision of RNs and provide basic patient care. They play a vital role in patient comfort and safety, performing tasks such as taking vital signs, administering medications, and assisting with activities of daily living.

In addition to the basic nursing qualifications, nurse staffing agencies also consider nursing experience requirements. Typically, agencies look for candidates with at least one year of current nursing experience to ensure that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to handle the demands of various healthcare settings.

Depending on the specific needs of healthcare facilities, nurse staffing agencies also consider additional certifications and specializations when selecting candidates. This ensures that facilities receive nursing professionals with expertise in specialized areas such as critical care, pediatrics, or emergency medicine.

Facilities Serviced

Nurse staffing agencies cater to a wide range of healthcare facilities, ensuring that staffing needs are met across the entire healthcare spectrum. The facilities serviced by these agencies include hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, rehabilitation centers, clinics, home health agencies, schools and universities, and industrial workplaces.

Hospitals of all sizes and specialties rely on nurse staffing agencies to provide additional nursing staff. From large teaching hospitals to community hospitals and specialty hospitals, these agencies can match the right nurses to the unique needs of each facility.

Nursing homes and assisted living facilities often experience chronic staffing shortages due to the high demand for long-term care. Nurse staffing agencies help alleviate this issue by providing qualified nursing professionals who can assist in providing personalized care to residents.

Rehabilitation centers, both inpatient and outpatient, rely on nurse staffing agencies to ensure that they have sufficient nursing staff to support patients during their recovery journey. The agencies provide skilled nurses who are experienced in rehabilitation care and can adapt to the specific needs of this patient population.

Clinics, including primary care, specialty, and urgent care clinics, benefit from the services of nurse staffing agencies. By providing qualified nurses, these agencies help clinics maintain efficient operations and deliver high-quality care to patients.

Home health agencies often need additional nursing staff to provide in-home care to patients. Nurse staffing agencies play a crucial role in ensuring that these agencies have the necessary workforce to support patients in the comfort of their own homes.

Schools and universities also rely on nurse staffing agencies to supply nursing staff for their healthcare services. From elementary schools to universities, these agencies provide nurses who can handle healthcare needs, administer medications, and promote a healthy learning environment for students.

Industrial workplaces, such as manufacturing facilities and construction sites, where on-site medical services are required, can benefit from nurse staffing agencies. These agencies provide qualified nurses who can handle medical emergencies, provide first aid, and ensure the well-being of workers.

Overall, nurse staffing agencies serve a diverse range of healthcare facilities, ensuring that each facility receives the appropriate nursing staff to meet its unique needs.

Temporary and Semi-Permanent Staffing

Nurse staffing agencies offer both temporary and semi-permanent staffing options to cater to different needs of healthcare facilities.

Temporary staffing refers to the provision of nursing professionals on a short-term basis to cover staff shortages or other temporary staffing gaps. It is an ideal solution for facilities facing sudden increases in patient load, staff vacations, or maternity leaves. Temporary staff can seamlessly integrate into the existing healthcare team and provide continuity of care.

Semi-permanent staffing, on the other hand, involves placing nursing professionals in healthcare facilities for a longer duration. This staffing option is suitable for facilities experiencing chronic staffing shortages or those in need of support during transitional periods, such as during the implementation of new systems or facility expansions. Semi-permanent staff become part of the facility’s team, providing ongoing care and support.

The process of hiring temporary staff typically involves contacting the nurse staffing agency, outlining the specific needs and duration of the staffing requirement, and providing necessary information about the facility. The agency then leverages its extensive network of nursing professionals to match the right candidate with the facility’s requirements. Once the suitable candidates are identified, the agency coordinates interviews and facilitates the onboarding process.

Similarly, the process of hiring semi-permanent staff involves the same initial steps of contacting the nurse staffing agency and providing the necessary information about the facility’s staffing needs. The agency then identifies nursing professionals who are looking for longer assignments and have the necessary qualifications and experience to meet the facility’s requirements. After the selection process, the agency facilitates the onboarding process and ensures a smooth integration of the semi-permanent staff into the facility’s team.

Both temporary and semi-permanent staffing options provided by nurse staffing agencies offer healthcare facilities the flexibility and convenience of accessing qualified nursing professionals when needed, ensuring uninterrupted care for patients.

24/7 On-Call Service

Nurse staffing agencies understand that healthcare facilities may require staffing assistance at any time, including during emergencies and outside regular business hours. To meet this need, nurse staffing agencies offer 24/7 on-call service.

The 24/7 on-call service ensures round-the-clock availability of nursing professionals. Healthcare facilities can reach out to the agency at any time, night or day, to request immediate staffing support. This service is particularly crucial during unexpected staff absences, sudden increases in patient load, or emergencies that require additional nursing staff.

The primary advantage of the 24/7 on-call service is the assurance that nursing professionals can be quickly mobilized to meet staffing needs. This ensures that patient care is not compromised, even in the most challenging circumstances. By having access to a pool of qualified nurses who are available at any time, healthcare facilities can confidently manage unexpected situations and maintain the highest standard of care.

The process of utilizing the 24/7 on-call service involves contacting the nurse staffing agency via their dedicated emergency contact number. The agency’s on-call coordinator then assesses the staffing needs and identifies available nursing professionals who are best suited to meet those requirements. The selected nurses are contacted and deployed to the facility as quickly as possible to provide immediate assistance.

The convenience and reliability of the 24/7 on-call service provided by nurse staffing agencies ensure that healthcare facilities have access to qualified nursing professionals whenever the need arises.

Local Support Staff

Nurse staffing agencies recognize the importance of local support, both for healthcare facilities and nursing professionals. To provide a comprehensive and personalized service, nurse staffing agencies have a local support staff located in the communities they serve.

The local support staff acts as a liaison between the agency, healthcare facilities, and nursing professionals. They play a crucial role in understanding the unique needs of each facility and ensuring that the right nurses are placed accordingly. The local support staff also establishes and maintains relationships with healthcare organizations to facilitate effective communication and efficient staffing support.

One of the advantages of local support is the proximity to facilities. Being physically present in the community allows the agency’s local support staff to have firsthand knowledge of the healthcare landscape, including specific facility requirements and staffing challenges. This proximity enables the agency to respond quickly and effectively to staffing requests, ensuring that facilities have access to nursing professionals without delay.

Face-to-face interaction is another valuable aspect of local support. The local support staff can visit healthcare facilities and engage in direct communication with facility administrators and staff. This personal interaction fosters a deeper understanding of the facility’s culture and staffing needs, enabling the agency to provide a tailored staffing solution that aligns with the facility’s goals and values.

Accessible communication is also facilitated through the local support staff. Since they are located in the same community, healthcare facilities can easily reach out to the agency for any staffing-related concerns or requests. The local support staff is readily available to address questions, provide updates, and ensure that the staffing process runs smoothly.

Overall, the local support staff of nurse staffing agencies is instrumental in providing personalized and efficient support to healthcare facilities and nursing professionals. Their presence in the community fosters strong relationships, enhances communication, and ensures that staffing needs are met effectively.

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On-Site Director of Nursing

To ensure a full-service experience and maximize the quality of staffing support, nurse staffing agencies often have an on-site Director of Nursing who plays a crucial role in overseeing the placement process and ensuring the highest standards of care.

The on-site Director of Nursing acts as a central point of contact for healthcare facilities, nursing professionals, and the agency’s local support staff. They bring their expertise and experience to ensure that the right nursing professionals are selected and placed in each facility. The Director of Nursing works closely with healthcare providers to understand their unique staffing requirements, assess the qualifications and experience of available nursing professionals, and make informed placement decisions.

The Director of Nursing also ensures that nursing professionals meet all necessary compliance requirements, including licensure, immunization records, and background checks. By verifying the credentials of nurses, the Director of Nursing ensures that healthcare facilities receive qualified professionals who meet the highest standards of care.

Additionally, the Director of Nursing serves as a valuable resource for nursing professionals, providing support, guidance, and ongoing education. They ensure that nurses have the necessary resources to succeed in their roles and offer a point of contact for any questions, concerns, or feedback.

Having an on-site Director of Nursing enhances the overall experience for healthcare facilities, nursing professionals, and the agency itself. Their expertise and personalized support contribute to efficient staffing operations, effective communication, and ultimately, the delivery of exceptional patient care.

Career Opportunities

In addition to providing staffing services, nurse staffing agencies offer numerous career opportunities for nursing professionals. Working with a nurse staffing agency can be a rewarding experience that offers various benefits.

One of the primary benefits of working with a nurse staffing agency is flexibility in work schedule. Nursing professionals can choose assignments that align with their availability, allowing them to achieve a work-life balance that suits their individual needs. This flexibility enables nurses to have more control over their careers and personal lives.

Nurse staffing agencies also offer diverse work environments. By working on temporary or semi-permanent assignments, nursing professionals have the opportunity to experience different healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and schools. This exposure to various environments enhances their professional growth and broadens their skillset.

Speaking of skill development, working with a nurse staffing agency provides opportunities for enhanced skill development. Nurses may have the chance to work in specialized areas or gain experience in different specialties, allowing them to expand their knowledge and expertise. This diversity in experience strengthens their resumes and opens doors to future career opportunities.

Competitive compensation is another advantage of working with a nurse staffing agency. These agencies ensure that nursing professionals receive the compensation they deserve for their skills and experience. The agencies handle payroll, benefits administration, and other administrative tasks, allowing nurses to focus on providing excellent patient care.

Furthermore, nurse staffing agencies promote professional growth and advancement. By providing access to a wide range of healthcare facilities and opportunities, nursing professionals can continuously learn, grow, and advance in their careers. These agencies often offer training programs, continuing education resources, and mentorship opportunities to support the professional development of nurses.

In conclusion, working with a nurse staffing agency offers nursing professionals the benefits of flexibility, diverse work environments, enhanced skill development, competitive compensation, and professional growth and advancement opportunities. It allows nurses to build rewarding careers while making a positive impact on patient care.

In summary, nurse staffing agencies play a vital role in meeting the staffing needs of healthcare facilities and providing career opportunities for nursing professionals. With their comprehensive services, including temporary and semi-permanent staffing, 24/7 on-call support, and local support staff, nurse staffing agencies ensure that healthcare facilities can access qualified nursing professionals when needed. These agencies offer numerous benefits, such as quick access to qualified nurses, flexible staffing solutions, cost-effectiveness, and reduced staff burnout. By working with nurse staffing agencies, healthcare facilities can ensure continuity of care, while nursing professionals can enjoy the advantages of working in diverse environments, flexible schedules, and career growth opportunities.

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