How to Choose the Right Nurse Staffing Agency for Your Healthcare Facility

Looking for the right nurse staffing agency for your healthcare facility? Consider experience, specialization, reputation, credentials, availability, customer support, pricing, contract terms, references, and location. Find out more in this informative article.

Are you searching for the right nurse staffing agency to meet the needs of your healthcare facility? Look no further than Nurses On Call, Inc. With over 25 years of experience in the industry, Nurses On Call is dedicated to providing the highest quality of nursing staff to support your facility. Our team consists of experienced and qualified RNs and LPNs, ensuring that your facility has the best professionals to augment your existing staff on a temporary or semi-permanent basis. We offer 24/7 on-call service, a local support staff, and an on-site Director of Nursing for a complete and personalized experience. Contact Nurses On Call today at 850-474-9803 and discover how we can enhance your facility’s staffing needs.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Nurse Staffing Agency

When it comes to choosing a nurse staffing agency for your healthcare facility, there are several factors that you should consider. These factors will help you make an informed decision and ensure that you find the right agency that meets your specific needs. In this article, we will explore the key factors that you need to take into account when selecting a nurse staffing agency.

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One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a nurse staffing agency is their level of experience. It is crucial to work with an agency that has a proven track record and extensive experience in the industry. An agency with years of experience will have a deep understanding of the healthcare field and the specific needs of different facilities. They will be better equipped to provide you with qualified and competent nurses who can seamlessly integrate into your team.


Another factor to consider is the specialization of the nurse staffing agency. Different agencies may specialize in providing nurses for specific medical fields or types of facilities. For example, some agencies may specialize in providing nurses for hospitals, while others may focus on nursing homes or clinics. It is essential to choose an agency that specializes in the particular area that matches your facility’s needs. This will ensure that you receive nurses with the relevant expertise and skills required for your specific setting.


The reputation of the nurse staffing agency is an important consideration as well. Take the time to research and gather feedback from other healthcare facilities that have used their services in the past. Look for reviews, testimonials, and ratings of the agency to get a sense of their reputation. A reputable agency will have positive feedback and a good reputation for providing reliable, qualified, and professional nurses. On the other hand, if there are consistent complaints or negative reviews, it may be a red flag indicating potential issues with the agency’s services.


The credentials of the nurses provided by the agency are critical to ensuring quality care in your facility. Ask about the agency’s screening and hiring processes to determine how they verify the credentials of their nurses. A reputable agency will have a rigorous screening process that includes background checks, verification of licenses and certifications, and thorough reference checks. By choosing an agency with strict credentialing procedures, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are receiving qualified and competent nurses for your facility.


Availability is another important factor to consider when selecting a nurse staffing agency. Determine whether the agency can meet your staffing needs promptly and efficiently. Inquire about their response time and whether they can provide nurses on short notice or in case of emergencies. A reliable agency should have the capacity to be available 24/7 and offer on-call services to ensure that your facility’s staffing requirements are always met.

Customer Support

Good customer support is crucial when working with a nurse staffing agency. The agency should be responsive to your inquiries, address any concerns or issues promptly, and provide ongoing support throughout your partnership. Consider the level of communication and support you receive during the initial consultation or screening process. Prompt and effective communication is essential for ensuring a smooth and successful working relationship with the agency.


Pricing is an important factor to consider when choosing a nurse staffing agency. Different agencies may have varying pricing structures, so it is essential to discuss and understand their fees and billing procedures. Consider your budget and evaluate whether the agency’s rates align with your financial capabilities. Keep in mind that the cheapest option may not always be the best, especially if it compromises the quality of the nurses provided. Look for a balance between affordability and quality to ensure that you get the best value for your investment.

Contract Terms

Before partnering with a nurse staffing agency, carefully review and understand the contract terms. Pay close attention to the length of the contract, termination clauses, and any other relevant terms and conditions. Ensure that the contract clearly outlines the responsibilities and obligations of both parties, including billing procedures, dispute resolution, and confidentiality agreements. If there are any unclear or ambiguous terms, seek clarification from the agency before signing the contract. It is essential to have a well-defined and mutually beneficial agreement to protect the interests of your healthcare facility.

Click to view the How to Choose the Right Nurse Staffing Agency for Your Healthcare Facility.


Requesting references from the nurse staffing agency is a valuable step in the selection process. Reach out to the agency’s previous clients and ask about their experiences working with the agency. Inquire about the quality of the nurses provided, the agency’s responsiveness, and any challenges that arose during the partnership. References can provide valuable insights into the agency’s performance and help you make an informed decision based on real experiences.


While location may not be the primary factor, it is worth considering the proximity of the nurse staffing agency to your facility. Working with a local agency can offer certain advantages, such as a better understanding of the local healthcare industry, faster response times, and easier coordination. However, with the advancements in technology and remote communication, location is not as critical as it once was. Focus more on the agency’s ability to meet your specific needs rather than their physical location.

By carefully considering these factors, you can choose the right nurse staffing agency for your healthcare facility. Remember to prioritize experience, specialization, reputation, credentials, availability, customer support, pricing, contract terms, references, and location. Finding the right agency will ensure that you have access to qualified and reliable nurses who can provide the highest quality care for your patients.

Check out the How to Choose the Right Nurse Staffing Agency for Your Healthcare Facility here.